Golden Art Noveau Tarot

309 kr
Lagerstatus: Ej i lager
Giulia F. Massaglia brought us the beloved Mucha Tarot. Now we can enjoy her version of the traditional Rider Waite Smith images in an enchanting art nouveau style. The beauty of the cards is enhanced with gold foil, adding a sense of magic to these astonishing images. 78 full colour cards with gold foil impressions & instructions
Förlag Lo Scarabeo
Författare Illustrated by Giulia Massaglia
Utgiven 2019-09-25
Mått 70 x 122 x 30 mm
Språk Engelska
Artikelkod 9788865275917
Vikt 240 g
Mediatyp Tarot/Orakel
Sidantal 16